Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here goes nothing!

OK so I have been a huge resistor of blogging. I was also a huge resistor of Facebook (and if you know me you know how long that lasted). Lesson here I resist everything at first but when I come around watch out! I have been known to become slightly obsessive. So here goes nothing! Sit back, relax and try not to fall asleep because you are going to learn more about my daily life than anyone deserves.
     I am not sure what prompted the need to start blogging but I think it has something to do with my obsession on stalking other peoples blogs. I know what you're thinking- great Emily is an online stalker time to change my privacy settings. I will say most of these people are my friends, or friends of friends, or friends of friends friends- you get the point. I think there is something very interesting about looking into peoples lives for a few minutes a day and seeing how I relate.
     Since I have become a mother I have an overwhelming need to hear and see how other Mom's do things. I think it is mostly to see- am I doing it right? is there something out there I don't know that will make my kids happier, healthier and maybe less annoying? (at times).  Like Facebook blogs are a way to see if you are keeping up,  the difference with blogging is that people are usually honest. I promise I will not use this forum to tell you daily how awesome my husband is, how bright my kids are, how clean my house is, or how perfect my life is since I graduated college/high school.
     Granted my husband is awesome, and my kids are exceptionally bright but I hope to give a candid view into all things Emily Waldron- good or bad, happy or sad, and to be as honest as possible without risking my family hating me, my husband leaving me, and my kids begging to go live with Nana. Who knows maybe I will even get some blog stalkers myself :)

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