Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I said "FREEZE"!

I remember when Hayden turned every month older I was eagerly awaiting her next milestone. Whether it was rolling over, getting her teeth, sitting up I was always anticipating the next step. "I can't wait until she can- walk, run. talk" etc... was a weekly statement from me. With Aleyah I want to freeze time. I know what it will be like when she can crawl, talk, run and I am not ready for it. Rather than rush time by so I can see what kind of person she will become I want to freeze it so she can be my baby forever. I am guessing there are a lot of reasons for this One- as a non moving baby she is much easier to care for than a crazy toddler getting into everything. Two is I know I will never have another baby. This is it for us. There won't be more late night feedings, rocking a baby to sleep, holding chubby little hands and washing tiny baby feet. Don't get me wrong there are still a lot of days that I imagine what it will be like when Hayden and Aleyah can play together, share a room, share clothes and argue over the phone. But for now I just want to stop the clock and if that means I get a little less sleep, ignore the books and hold her until she falls asleep, and relish in every cuddle, coo and tiny baby laugh then so be it- this is it for us and we plan to enjoy every minute.

Aleyah's Stats at 9 months:

Height 2'3.5"- 54.21% for age
Weight 19 lb 1036oz- 69.59% for age
BMI 18.25
Head Circumference 44.3cm- 63.45% for age

Sits on her own
Claps with chubby little hands
Eats more solid foods: loves avocado, noodles, cheerios, cheese, and deli meat.
Has the cutest smile and is literally smiling from when she wakes up to when she goes to sleep.
Is starting to sleep through the night from 6:30-6:30pm although her Daddy and I still wake up to her every whimper.
Seriously thinks her big sister is hilarious- she laughs at her all the time
Loves to be spun in circles by Daddy and still thinks Mommy is the best person ever (not at all biased)

Aly- Thanks for the best 9 months ever- you light up a room with your smile and have made each day with you a blessing. We can't wait for what the next 9 months will bring!

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