Tuesday, November 15, 2011

She's 4- it's offical we both feel old!

Well Hayden is officially 4 years old! and what a wonderful 4 years it has been. This girl LOVES birthdays- not just a little, but like asks EVERY day if it is her birthday. So when it finally rolled around she was beyond thrilled. Last year we literally had a week of birthdays so this year we really tried to manage expectations and not go too crazy- we failed. The birthday week started with a party for just Hayden and Tatum since Tatum couldn't make Hayden's real party. They had a great time, as did we and we had a sleep over to celebrate (although no one told Aly what a SLEEPOVER was and she missed the sleep part) it was really fun and we love that the Shane's are like family. The next day Hayden and Daddy went to Toy Story on Ice and ate way too much popcorn and had a perfect Daddy Daughter Date. Keep in mind this is ALL A WEEK before her birthday. So then finally her party on Nov 12th rolled around and Hayden, Summer, and Caroline all got pedicures and manicures. We then went to the dirty bird- aka Red Robin for lunch and Hayden literally beamed when they sang to her- she loved it! After that we went to Nanna's and Papa's for her family birthday party (plus the Schonacher's). FINALLY it was the 13th her actual bday and I got to take Hayden to Yo Gabba Gabba with Aunt Lori, Uncle Charlie, and my adorable niece and nephew Taylor and Kyler. The evening ended with a frosting covered cup cake and one tired, extremely loved little girl. I swear our kids are so lucky to have so many people who love them close and in their lives daily. I didn't grow up around extended family but what my girls have is what I pictured it would be like. When they say it takes a village, it is true and between my family and Ren's family and our wonderful family of friends our girls have it all.

Letter to Hayden age 4:

Dear Big Girl H,

     We have called you Baby H since the day you came home from the hospital- on the day you turned 4 you announced that you are no longer to be called baby H. Big Girl H is fine, but since you aren't a baby anymore Baby H is not acceptable. I'll admit I teared up a bit. They sang to you at Children's Garden for your special day and at the end the teacher said " Hayden do you know why you are so special? On the day you were born you made your Mommy a Mommy- she wasn't a Mommy before you"  and I'll admit I teared up. I am so proud to have you as my first baby. You teach me new things daily. I often think I had you so that I can see myself from the outside. You are opinionated, tough, persistent, and have more energy than any child I have ever know. You are often told that you will for sure be a lawyer later in life because you can convince anyone to do anything you want without them even realizing. You love computers, stuffed animals, and swimming. You still have the most beautiful blue eyes, and you have eye lashes so long when you give mommy and daddy a kiss we can feel them flutter on our cheek- you are beautiful. You are a really good big sister to Aly, you share with her, you love to hug her (sometimes too tight) and you are ferociously protective of your little sister. When in classes like tap, ballet, swimming you NEED to be first to do everything, and you keep at it until you do everything just perfectly. I watch you and am so proud to be your Mommy. You are confident, and fearless and are going to take over the world some day and I can't wait to see you grow. Thank you for the best 4 years of my life- I can't imagine the world without you and look out world because here comes 5.

Love- Mommy Nov 15th 2011

Hayden Age 4 and Aly 14 months

Hayden Age 4 going on date with Daddy

Hayden and her best friend Summer Age 4

Hayden at Toy Story on Ice

Hayden Age 4- Victoria

Hayden and Summer Age 4

Look at those eye lashes.

People say you look like Mommy here- It's the "I told you so face"

Such a good big sister

Hayden and Tatum Bday sleep Over

Our Big Girl H.

Yo Gabba Gabba 11-13-2011

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