I remember not being able to sleep, I remember being jjitterywith excitement, I remember jumping out of bed to watch KING 5 tell me I was FREE!!! Reality- I still didn't sleep, I was jjittery from too much coffee and zero adult interaction, I was pulled out of bed by 2 little hands and 2 padding feet fearful that KING 5 would tell me we were stuck AGAIN! Yes that is right people- I had 6 days of 2 kids not ONCE leaving the house. Do I wake up every day and say I am so happy it is a work day? Hell no. But I will tell you by day 3 I would have given my left arm (I hold my wine with my right) to go to work. Even when on maternity leave with both kids I always left the house. I am not the person who can stay at home and entertain my kids all day. It makes me the "no wire hangers" mommy I really try to avoid. By day 4 Ren called me a few times a day from work just to make sure I was hanging in there. I am pretty sure he was really just calling to make sure that I hadn't locked the kids outside with a sippy and goldfish while I sat on the couch watching my TV novellas (AKA Real House wife anything). Good news we survived. Even better news I am pretty sure Hayden still thinks I am cool and only slightly crazy. We played EVERY board game in our house, we played hide and seek, we made snowmen, painted, cooked and Aly learned to walk, she also learned how to fall down the stairs if there is such a thing. Took 17 months but that girl cruises and she is so much happier now that she has independence. I too am so much happier now that I have my independence- the snow is gone, I still drink too much coffee and don't sleep as much as I like but I have been able to go to the bathroom with the door shut all by myself (yes I know,weird this is even an issue) and to me that is as good as walking.
The days Ren was home life was good. |
Day 1- Happy baby, happy Mommy. |
I had probably just yelled at her for her bad attitiude. Someone needed to yell at me by day 3. |
First sledding together. |
She so wanted to be outside so we just set her on the porch. Proud parenting. :) |
"Were stuck again"! |
"Dad please don't leave her with me. She is talking to herself" |
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